Environmental, Social & Governance

Corsair Capital’s purpose is simple, to create value on behalf of our stakeholders and investment partners. Corsair’s specialized knowledge comes from a diversity of backgrounds and depth of experience across key industry verticals. Underpinned by Corsair’s history of integrity, ethics, and commitment to our partners, we seek to integrate environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) factors and topics throughout our investment process to unlock ESG opportunities and mitigate risk. We believe that ESG integration represents a broader articulation of the firm’s guiding principles, which highlights our values and commitment to stakeholders. Several of the ESG practices highlighted are articulations of ways in which Corsair has been conducting business and engaging with our portfolio for decades.
Corsair believes that the consideration of ESG issues is an important part of making responsible investment decisions, and that the incorporation of ESG at various stages of the investment lifecycle leads to better outcomes in the long-term. Corsair seeks to consider ESG issues during all phases of its investment process, where consistent with its fiduciary responsibility, through application of its ESG policies.
These ESG Policies integrate considerations and risks into our investment decision-making process and risk framework; also, how we may report on ESG to our stakeholders.
Read our buyouts and infrastructure ESG Policies.
In developing its ESG policies, Corsair has considered a number of international standards, including the UN PRI, the CDC code of Responsible Investing (UK); the Private Equity Growth Capital Council Guidelines for Responsible Investment (US); and the Institutional Limited Partners Association ESG Assessment Framework
Corsair’s buyouts business and infrastructure business are both signatories of the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment, committing to the six voluntary and aspirational principles of the PRI.